Life is a Rollercoaster

I want to start with a disclaimer: life happens, and that is OK.

Last week was a rough week emotionally and mentally, for me, and it seriously took a toll on me. The important thing is that I realized that I needed to talk to someone, so I did. I officially started therapy again, I also changed doctors and realized that I needed someone who was going to listen to my concerns (not just refill my medicine to get it over with), and I traded in my car for a new one. I also dyed my hair back to brown, went to see opening night of the Miami Marlins, and didn’t read a single book. The bad was outweighed by the good, but that doesn’t mean the emotional toll didn’t affect me.

I think the most important thing though was recognizing that it’s okay to cry when life gives you those obstacles. Let it out, breathe, and then get right back up and kick some ass.

I will say that although it’s extremely weird to see my hair dark again, I’m loving it (and apparently so is everyone else). My hair looks healthier already, it requires less maintenance, and best of all it’s a breath of fresh air after being blonde for so long. That’s not to say I won’t go back to blonde because I never say never, especially when it comes to my hair, but I do feel happier with my decision.

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, then spontaneity is saying yes and figuring whatever you said yes to out later. I’m glad I acted on impulse and changed my hair, and I am glad that the emotional turmoil I was in last week lead me on the path back to therapy. It had been a long time coming, I just needed to see life explode for me to realize how much I wanted it.

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