My 2022 Self-Discovery Series: Journal No. 2

I literally just realized that I did not post last week’s self-discovery prompt. The prompt was “what do I think about my daily habits”, and honestly I have horrible daily habits but this month I’m trying to change that.

I’ve most definitely let myself go the last couple of months, but I intend in changing that. It’s part of my goal for 2022, to establish healthy daily habits including eating right, excercising more, taking time to focus on myself and my metal health, etc. I mean, I also think it’s important that I create new daily habits that will promote a positive lifestyle change. I also believe that I need to nip the bad habits in the bud now before it’s too late.

For example, this morning I woke up at the ass crack of dawn and went over to my older sister’s house for a morning workout. She created a circuit of sorts using the Peloton workouts and in between, I ran on the Tread. Tomorrow, I’ll be doing a Tread bootcamp and she’ll be doing a bike bootcamp, then we will finish with abs and stretching. Thursday we have one more workout for this week, and then Saturday I start running with the training group again for the Spring Half training. I signed up for all three training sessions this year so I can make sure I go all the way through next February, when I have the Miami Half (I deferred to next year due to my elbow fracture).

I’ve also been doing really well with physical therapy, well as good as my elbow will let me and I hope to get a few more weeks in in order to get my full range of motion back. Once I wrap PT, I can finally start weight lifting as part of my workout routine.

Another horrible habit I’ve gotten myself into is NOT reading, which obviously defeats the purpose of my reading challenge. I have two weeks off until my second class starts, so I hope to squeeze in some reading to get myself going. Once the spring semester ends, I’ll only have one class a week through my graduation in the Fall. So here is to hoping I not only pick up the pace in my reading challenge, but I get in at least a handful of books before graduation. Once I graduate, my goal will be three books a month. I WILL get to 50 this year, even if it kills me.

Another habit I hope to break is my lack of posting. I think I give up too easily and blame work and school, but that’s not an excuse. 2022 included a goal to be a better blogger, so I am going to bump that to the top of the list.

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