I will admit that I am reading slower than I want to be, however I also think that I knew I gave myself a buffer by overreading in February and March that I don’t get mad at myself for skipping weeks where I do not…
What I’ve Read Lately
I am so happy to tell you that not only have I caught up to my reading challenge for 2022, but I’ve been doing so well that I bumped it back up to 50 books! I honestly never expected to catch up. I had been…
Beach Reading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque nibh enim, quis euismod enim lacinia nec. Phasellus quam diam, semper in erat eu, efficitur molestie purus. Sed a elementum mi. Sed interdum mattis risus, sit amet eleifend ligula luctus ut. Sed ullamcorper lorem aliquam,…
First, and foremost, let’s start with my mom and aunt are back home/in the US from their trip abroad. If you don’t remember, they went with some family friends to Istanbul, Turkey and Athens, Greece for ten days. Their travels brought me some fabulous goodies…
I have OFFICIALLY completed my application for my second master’s program. I submitted my video to the advisor today after six hundred attempts. YOLO. I’m so tired of trying to be perfect; It’s impossible. I did my very best and I think that’s all that…
And we are BACK! Back from Utah, back to regularly scheduled posting, back to reality! I returned from Utah early Thursday morning, and went back to work Thursday (roughly six hours after I landed!). I worked two very long and stressful work days, but then…
Can you believe that it’s already the END of January, 2021? I honestly had to take a minute to really process that. When I return to work on Monday, it’ll be FEBRUARY. Holy hell I can’t believe I’m writing/saying that! Although 2020 felt like the never ending…
This week is a short one, and Thank God at that! I am so ready for a long, relaxing, weekend (yeah right, as if Christmas could ever be relaxing). The Christmas drama has already begun. Since I was little, I don’t eat pig on Christmas.…