My 2022 Self-Discovery Series: Journal No. 5

As I mentioned before, I know I’m behind on everything I set out for myself in 2022…this series being at the top of the list. However, I am going to power through and write about the next prompt: how do you feel today, really? Why?

Honestly, this is a loaded question right now. I’m still recovering from having gotten COVID a little over two weeks ago. Every time I feel like I’m moving towards better, and getting back to normal, I’m hit with residual symptoms and I feel exhausted doing nothing. It’s excruciating. I worked so hard to avoid this virus for two years, only to end up getting it and it kicking my ass. BIG TIME.

Currently, I feel exhausted. I’m overwhelmed, unmotivated, and feeling like a garbage truck backed over me and dumped out its contents.

I’m trying very hard to ease back into reality, but it’s become difficult for me because I’m such a hyperactive person and I don’t have the energy to match that.

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Things I Bought When I had COVID (and after)