It’s Time I Catch You Up
Since my last post, a lot has happened. First, I fell two weeks ago (trying not to fall over Milo) and fractured my left elbow. After a very painful few days, I had to get an MRI done which showed that I also have a few torn ligaments around the fracture. Last thursday, we left for Tahoe and thanks to my still-in-a-lot-of-pain elbow I did not ski. Honestly, it Iwasn’t so bad not sking. I thought it would be worse. I had some few things to take care of for work, I worked on a project and did barely any homework (this will bite me in the ass), but best of all I got to watch Inventing Anna on Netflix.
Let’s talk about Inventing Anna. I first read about this when the New York Magazine post, written by Jessica Pressler (same journalist frome the Hustlers movie), originally dropped in 2018, and since then the story got so big Shondaland bought the rights and turned it into a mini-series for Netflix. Anna Delvey, legal name Anna Sorokin, lived as a fake, wealthy, German heiress from 2010 – 2016, tricking members of Manhattan’s elite into finance her lavish lifestyle. The series, in classic Shondaland manner, was based on a true story, except for the parts that weren’t (this is the tagline of the nine-part series). Full of fashion, a great cast, and a crazy story the show is everything you’d want from Shonda Rhimes and more.
I also watched the Tinder Swindler on Netflix while I was in Tahoe, another insane story that I couldn’t believe. It was so good (scary, but so good). It’s crazy to me that these types of shows are based on real-life situations, and that the scenarios which the insane storylines come from actually happened. PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVED THIS CRAP, which honestly to me was mindblowing. It’s funny, there’s a meme going around about how if someone I was dating asked me for $25K, “because their enemies” were after them, I’d be like oh wow that sucks, good luck though (literally LOL everytime I freaking think of it). It’s just insane.
Now that I am going back to reality I will have to do the homework I did not do in Tahoe, work on a presentation for class next week, and catch up on work. Thankfully, right now, we’re in a little of a slower slump with work so it shouldn’t be too hard to catch-up (but it’s still annoying to be behind). I also will be starting physical therapy for my elbow, which as much as I’m looking forward to it, I’m not excited because I am so uncomfortable and am still in pain doing menial tasks. I also have a handful of doctor appointments to get through over the next two days, so I’m glad there are only two working days this week and then it’s a three day weekend (thank you President’s day), because I need a vacation from my vacation. The laundry pile alone is going to swallow me whole.