For this weeks โCurrently…โ post, weโre going to kick it off with music! If thereโs something I truly love, whether it be as a pick me up, to pump it up, or to sulk in, its music. Music is definitely one of the ways into…
Taking inspiration from some of my favorite bloggers, I wanted to do a series of posts that focus on one central theme. In this case, it’d focus on things that are “Currently…” Technically speaking, I’ve actually had this post semi-drafted for weeks, but I never…
2020 Reading List
I usually am so much more of a book worm than I have been lately. One of my 2020 “goals” was to read 52 books this year…If you follow me on Goodreads, you’ll see I’m like at number 5. Pretty disappointing if you ask me,…
Once a Mother, Always a Mother
Iโve been a little absent lately for personal reasons. There are certain times of the year where I tend to struggle emotionally, creatively, physically, and even professionally – the month of May is definitely one of those times. Thankfully, due to the current state of…
Ways to Reduce Anxiety
Honestly, with this pandemic, my already heightened anxiety levels seem to be (and feel like) theyโre heightened three times as much. Iโm having difficulties falling asleep at night, staying asleep the entire night once Iโm finally able to fall asleep, and then waking up at…
Throwback Thursday
I didn’t post a Throwback Thursday post last week, I was distracted by personal things going on and honestly I was exhausted and in an all around bad mood. Last week, and the beginning of this week, have been really slow for me on here.…
The Best Amazon Finds for Daily Use
I actually don’t remember whether I’ve mentioned, before, my obsession with Amazon. In my house, there is an amazon package a day almost. It’s usually the first or second place I look for something, doesn’t matter what it is. I’ve also discovered a lot of…
Shop With Me!
Since I’ve been working from home, my online shopping has almost tripled. I swear, almost every day something new is being ordered. It’s getting dangerously expensive! But I do love shopping and I have gotten some pretty great deals. Here’s a bit of what I…