This week has kicked my ass. Monday I got the first of two COVID vaccine shots. Work was insanely busy this week, and felt like it dragged forever (yet it still felt productive AF). Now it’s the weekend and I am ready to vegetate. I…
One Year Later…
I honestly can’t believe we’re already in the middle of March. TBH, I can’t believe that a year ago today I was sent home to “test” my VPN connection for the upcoming “two week” quarantine that would require us to work from home. What a…
I FINALLY FINISHED CITY OF GIRLS. Pretty sure the book took me two full months to get through. In my opinion, it was good but not that good. My little sister and I came to the conclusion it was a very dense book, BUT I…
And we are BACK! Back from Utah, back to regularly scheduled posting, back to reality! I returned from Utah early Thursday morning, and went back to work Thursday (roughly six hours after I landed!). I worked two very long and stressful work days, but then…
Utah, Here We Come!
In 24 hours, I will be freezing my Florida born and raised ass in Utah. From the last text I received from my sisters, we’re going to be frozen. Apparently it feels like negative zero degrees (eek!). Despite knowing very well that I am going…
I am so behind on everything this week: my currently post, reading my sixth book of 2021, work, TV shows, etc. I have been so incredibly swamped that I just put everything off, but I’ve got to accomplish it at some point right? So this…
What Do You Miss Most?
Pre-Pandemic life feels like it was a decade ago, and it’s really only been one year. How CRAZY is that? Technically, for me, it won’t be a year of WFH/Pandemic life until March 14th, but that’s only a blink of an eye away if you…
The BEST Mascaras According to Me
When I leave the house, unless it’s somewhere that requires a face full of makeup, I only wear mascara and a lip balm/gloss. I have a vanity mirror full of makeup and skincare products, but I don’t really know how to do my own makeup…
Can you believe that it’s already the END of January, 2021? I honestly had to take a minute to really process that. When I return to work on Monday, it’ll be FEBRUARY. Holy hell I can’t believe I’m writing/saying that! Although 2020 felt like the never ending…