Education Controversy

I think this is an extremely important topic to discuss right now. Today Secretary Betsy DeVos said that it is “imperative” that our children go back to physical classes in the fall…in the midst of a PANDEMIC that isn’t slowing down.

Education, to me, is one of the most important things a person experiences – regardless of their age; HOWEVER, and I put that in all caps for a specific reason…HOWEVER, it is not WORTH the risk of endangering our children health. Children are absolutely the future, but right now in the midst of a pandemic that is only getting WORSE is not the time for those children to be in school. I know, and fully accept, that this is a very controversial topic for multiple reasons. I am not trying to make this political. I don’t find it to be political at all, I find it to be dangerous to public health. I know that there are an extremely high number of families who cannot afford to have their children stay home for school for a variety of reasons, albeit financial, or emotional, mental, etc. I also know that there are many children who do not have food to eat unless it’s that of the public school system – but at the end of the day, the health and safety of those children comes first.

I honestly have mixed feelings, for the reasons stated above, and more. I want these families and children to be safe, but I also understand the constraints. I just find public safety to be more important. If what Secretary DeVos proposes is the only viable option, then what steps is she personally taking to ensure the safety of these children? Or of the teachers who are supposed to teach them?

If I had to, I personally would volunteer to teach these children remotely. I will do whatever I can, as a proud volunteer and supporter of the United Way of Miami-Dade, and as a human being. I just think rushing back to school is going to make things worse and we can’t afford to lose more children or adults to this horrible virus.

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