Thirsty for Knowledge
I have always had a curious mind; I am extremely observant and typically willing to learn about anything and everything. It is because of this that I find myself taking random classes albeit for professional or personal development and growth. Always looking to learn more, I tend to find myself participating in conferences for a variety of topics. In the past I’ve attended blogging conferences, and I am signed up to participate in a professional and personal development conference hosted by The Everygirl later this month. Last week I participated in #BlogHerU while I was in the beach, and it was extremely insightful. I watched the recap two or three times after that.
It’s because of this thirst for knowledge, and desperate attempt to find inspiration, that I chose to finally start/complete the Anna Wintour MasterClass last week. I’ve always had a keen interest in pop culture and fashion, with an obsession with creatives like Anna Wintour, Aliza Licht, even Bob Iger from a Entertainment business point of view. Typically, family and friends will come to me for their daily dose of pop culture news or celebrity gossip. Since quarantine started though, I’ve seriously been lacking in my desire to be informed of anything at all! I don’t read or watch the news, I barely check the weather, and I definitely don’t find myself on Instagram or Twitter reading the top stories as much as I did prior to the quarantine/stay at home orders were put into place.
Last week however, I decided that I was going to finally start the Anna Wintour MasterClass and I am so glad I did. In her Masterclass, Anna Wintour teaches Creativity and Leadership. I was honestly extremely impressed and somewhat shocked to see how much the information she spoke about was relevant to my current job, work ethic, and vision for my future. Her lecture was so inspiring, that I went on a Pinterest binge looking for some of the quotes or pieces of advice turned into a “pin”. I was so intrigued and fascinated by her words that I took TWELVE pages of notes!
I think the quote that stuck with me the most, especially right now with what is going on in the world and in my immediate life, was “Imperfection is fine“. That is honestly the best “advice” you can give a person, even more so with so many people having lost their jobs, or feeling emotionally drained, mentally unstable, and so forth. It reminds me to go easy on myself because it is OK for things to not be perfect. It’s okay for you to make a mistake, as long as you learn from it. Actually, according to Anna Wintour, making mistakes is highly recommended. She believes that making mistakes or the wrong decision are crucial stepping stones in anyones career.
Another piece of advice from her Masterclass, that really stuck with me was, “even if you are completely unsure, pretend you know exactly what you are talking about and make a decision.” She strongly encourages to make a decision, whether it be wrong or right, make doesn’t matter as long as you own it.
It truly was not until I finished this Masterclass that I realized how much creativity has to do with leadership, which is what the Anna Wintour class is based on. She teaches it, and she wants you to do more than learn it. Anna wants you to take what you learned from her and run with it. She is definitely a leader who leaves an impact, and she wants you to be one too.