If you love Sephora as much as I do, you are probably aware that their Spring sale kicks off this weekend. There are three categories of Sephora members: Rouge, VIB, and Insider. I am a Rouge member and have been for six years; as a Rouge member, my sale starts on Friday, April 9th. The VIB’s sale opens the 13th, followed by Insider’s on the 15th and lasts through the…
thick hair
Trial and Error: An Update
When I first started this trial and error, I didn’t really know much about how testing a new product (specifically for the hair) worked. So after much research, I learned that in order to properly judge a shampoo/conditioner you had to use it for seven…
Trial and Error: Shampoo Edition
Since I decided to get back into the blogging world, and I am literally under house arrest unless it’s for essentials, I will be doing something I’ve never done before: testing out a new shampoo/condition and blogging about it. On Saturday, I ordered the new…