If you were having a bad day, for whatever reason, what would you do to lift your mood? What do you consider to be your go to “pick me ups”? When I am having a hard day, week, month, year, life…I will typically do a handful of things to lift my mood. The more “bad days” I have, the more I realize that these are the things I gravitate towards…
Ways to Reduce Anxiety
Honestly, with this pandemic, my already heightened anxiety levels seem to be (and feel like) they’re heightened three times as much. I’m having difficulties falling asleep at night, staying asleep the entire night once I’m finally able to fall asleep, and then waking up at…
Moody, but Grateful
Today was extremely rough. It sounds so stupid to complain considering everything that is going on in the world, in the country. As I logged off from a long day of work, I received a push notification that the US now surpasses any other country…