I refuse to sit here and lie to you, so I won’t be doing that. Being home, in social isolation, is extremely difficult for me. I am not the “out on the town” type of girl that both of my sisters are. I also am…
MAGIC! Remover
To be 100% honest, I have no idea how I came to order this item but I did and two weeks later I finally got to use it. You might be wondering what the hell I am talking about, but if you follow me on…
I typically don’t sign up for “influencer” groups or partnerships because I haven’t found one that I truly want to be apart of, that is until tonight. While I was scrolling through Sephora, I came across the #SephoraSquad which is an influencer program that celebrates…
Throwback Thursday
I think Thursday’s are my second favorite day of the week, behind Friday of course! When I moved back to Miami and we were building my loft, my aunt and I found so many photo albums and I (of course) kept all the pictures that…
Moody, but Grateful
Today was extremely rough. It sounds so stupid to complain considering everything that is going on in the world, in the country. As I logged off from a long day of work, I received a push notification that the US now surpasses any other country…
Trial and Error: Shampoo Edition
Since I decided to get back into the blogging world, and I am literally under house arrest unless it’s for essentials, I will be doing something I’ve never done before: testing out a new shampoo/condition and blogging about it. On Saturday, I ordered the new…
WFH Makeover Ideas
I have been redecorating my little loft for a little over a month now, but with me stuck working from home all the time I decided that I wanted to keep sprucing things up. Although, I haven’t made anymore changes yet I decided that instead…